Cherry Industry

Most of Michigan's sweet cherry production is concentrated in the Traverse City area. Many of the golden sweet varieties are made into maraschino cherries. The cherry season starts in July and can last into August. The countryside is dotted with stands, markets, and u-pick signs offering cartons of sweet, dark cherries. And sometimes the cherries soak in the ice cold water to keep them fresh.

Introducing A Very Cherry Passport

Your guide to the cherry capital of the world; explore the exciting cherry industry of Traverse City and its surrounding areas! From charming cafés to picturesque orchards and iconic landmarks, discover the essence of cherries at every stop.

The History of Cherries

Appreciation of the cherry has a long history. In 1924, the Traverse City area held a spring ceremony known as the "Blessing of the Blossoms" to celebrate the cherry and the region's affinity for it. The event eventually became the National Cherry Festival held in Traverse City each July. 

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